Brinker Simpson Blog

5 Common Mistakes in Estate Planning and How to Avoid Them

Written by Lauren Contino | 4/22/24 8:30 PM

Putting together an estate plan is one of the most significant actions you can take for yourself and your loved ones. It’s also one of the most challenging, as it requires confronting uncomfortable realities such as the inevitability of death and the legacy you wish to leave. The consequences of neglecting this critical task are starkly illustrated by the lengthy court battles over the estates of celebrities like Prince, Aretha Franklin, and Sonny Bono, who all passed away without wills.

Common Mistakes in Estate Planning and How to Avoid Them

  1. Procrastination: Everyone, no matter their age, needs an estate plan. Delaying its creation can lead to significant hardships for your beneficiaries, potentially trapping them in probate court for years if you pass unexpectedly.
  2. Lack of Regular Reviews: Life’s constant changes necessitate the periodic review of your estate documents to ensure they continue to reflect your current wishes and circumstances.
  3. Improper Titling and Beneficiary Designations: Inaccuracies in how your assets are titled or who is listed as beneficiaries can lead to unintended consequences, potentially igniting family strife.
  4. Communication Failures: Openly discussing your estate plans with family members can prevent disputes and ensure your wishes are understood and respected. This can be particularly important in blended families where the dynamics can be more complex.
  5. Neglecting End-of-Life Preparations: An effective estate plan also addresses your final wishes, including long-term care and directives for healthcare and financial decisions, should you become incapacitated.

Be Proactive—Contact Brinker Simpson for Expert Guidance

Estate planning is about ensuring that your wishes are honored and that your loved ones are provided for in the best possible way. It’s crucial not to wait until it’s too late.

At Brinker Simpson, we understand the nuances of estate planning. Our team of dedicated advisors can help you navigate these complex decisions with empathy and expertise. Whether you're drafting your first estate plan or updating an existing one, Brinker Simpson offers the guidance you need to ensure your legacy is secured and your family is protected.


Estate planning involves some of life's most critical decisions, yet many delay this planning far longer than they should. At Brinker Simpson, we are here to help you tackle these challenges head-on. For assistance in starting or updating your estate plan, reach out to our knowledgeable advisors. We’re here to make the process as smooth and comprehensive as possible, ensuring your peace of mind.

Please contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation. Let Brinker Simpson help you secure a prosperous and peaceful future for yourself and your loved ones.